Wednesday 18 January 2012

Comic: 18/01/2012

Look mum, no scribbles!!

Trying really hard to keep my lines as clean and focused as I can. I'm working on a pretty small scale which makes it a bit tricky as erasing any mistakes usually takes half the drawing along with it, peeling the surface of the paper away and making it very tough to re-draw. That's a really weird excuse, isn't it? But it's true! Paper that's been re-erased hundreds of times is really hard to draw on. I think I need a putty eraser or something.

Er. I'm digressing. It's still inconsistent and not terribly well drawn but I'm a bit more pleased with this one. It seemed to come a bit more easily — found myself not worrying quite so much about it — but that might be because I only had to draw myself again.

I must seem so narcissistic! 

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