Tuesday 17 January 2012

Comic: 17/01/2012

And here's today's, in which I was (rather unfairly) accused of being a shoplifter. I think I'm a bit weedy to be lifting an entire shop all by myself, but hey ho.

Slightly better than yesterday's but still suffering problems. Mostly when trying to draw other people. I probably just relax when drawing myself because it doesn't matter how I look — I don't need to worry about offending myself!

Trying to reduce the amount of mess on my page by using less scribbles and more actual lines. It's weird and hard to get used to!

As an added bonus here are yet more kitty cats! I wanted to practice refining my drawings but couldn't think of any weighty poses to draw, so I opted for walking... and ended up drawing walking cats again. Thanks to Mr. Google for the lovely images.

The black ones were just me toying around with trying to keep the feel of the pose apparent with silhouettes. Didn't work too well, mostly because the cats themselves were black, so half the time even I couldn't see what the pose was supposed to be!

I'd intended to try and refine these properly with a pen and everything but I found myself growing too attached to the sketches... perhaps Mr. Lightbox might be useful in this situation?

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