Tuesday 3 April 2012

Chase scene ground tile test

After much arsing around this morning I've managed to start getting something prepared for the chase scene! I'm trying to figure out the best way to get the perspective of the shot right without resorting to distorting the images. This is all I've got so far:

The tile was cycled using Motion Tile, as before, and I think the perspective's looking alright so far — it's getting the bushes on there that's the trouble (though we always knew that would be the case.)

I'm not too pleased with it though — if you watch closely you can see that the animation doesn't loop seamlessly and many of the stones get cut off. The original tile was rotated on the 3D axis, leading to distortion in perspective. The edges of the image no longer line up neatly, which is essential for the Motion Tile effect to work seamlessly.

The ground itself is 3 seperate layers. Once I'd gotten the perspective of the first tile right, I pushed it into the distance to mark the horizon line. I then just duplicated it and pulled it forward until the edges lined up, repeating until the screen was filled.

The "top" view shows the layer stack (the camera is positioned at the bottom of the image, so the higher something is, the further away it will appear)

It's a start, at least, but optimally I'd like to try and get it to scroll absolutely seamlessly. After Effects' Orbit and Pan Camera tools may allow me to accomplish the same sense of perspective without actually distorting the image, meaning that the layers should still line up correctly. I'll have to have a play around with it.

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